DATE: October 25, 2023
VENUE: Cafe Kulturka (Sedláčkova 216/19, Plzeň)
DESCRIPTION: This workshop is part of a visit of a group of researchers from the University of Helsinki (the EXPRECCE project led by Nina Nikki) at the University of West Bohemia (CCS-Lab led by Vojtěch Kaše). The visit aims to enstrenght research collaboration between researchers from the two institution in the area of computational and cultural evolutionary approaches to early Christianity and religious history more general.
The event is open to researchers, students and the general public.
Session 1
14:00-14:30 – Nina Nikki (University of Helsinki [UH]): “Introducing the EXPRECCE project: Experimenting Early Christianity in Cultural Evolution: Martyrs, Manuscripts, and Hostility towards Outgroups”
14:30-15:00 – Zdeňka Špiclová (University of West Bohemia [UWB]), “Cognitive and Semantic Analysis of Changes in the Understanding of Jesus in the First Five Centuries AD”
15:00-15:30 – Harri J. Söderholm (UH): “Towards Quantified Suffering: Could Computational Tools be Useful in Explaining Early Christian Martyr Phenomena?”
15:30-16:00 – Coffee Break
Session 2
16:00-16:30 – Vojtěch Kaše (UWB), “Quantifying Early Christianity: Sources, Data, and Models” (code, paper)
16:30-17:00 – Pasi Hyytiäinen (UH, “Digitalizing New Testament Textual Criticism” (code, paper)